My Mom and Dad planned me last year in April. Luckily it only took one week worth of trying to conceive me! Mom went into
the doctor's office June 16, 2004 and this is what they found! I was supposed to be twins!
See the two eggs?
Here's my second picture ever. Mom had a scare when she started spotting after lifting a big bag of dog food, so she went
to the doctor and they did this ultrasound to make sure everything was OK. Boy was she surprised, and a little relieved, to
see that there was just one of me and not two like before! She calls this my turtle pose!:)
This is one of my last pictures before I was born. This was at 20 weeks when Mommy went in to see what I was! Here's my alien
Here's my leg at 20 weeks. Cool, huh?
Here's my third picure! It's amazing how much I grew in only a week. This was Mommy's scheduled doctor's appointment!
Here's another pic at 20 weeks. You can see my spine in this one!
Here's the last pic before I was born. see the three bold lines in the middle? That's how they knew I was a girl!
Here's Mom just before going in to have me via c-section!
Here's Daddy being silly before Mommy has surgery!
Here I am on the scale just after being born!
Here's Daddy holding me while Mommy gets stitched up!
Here's what Mommy saw when she came out of surgery!
Here I am with Mommy just after she gets stitched up!