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Friday, 21 November 2008
The worst thing about this time of year......

The worst thing about this time of year is all of the sickness going around. Victorya had to stay home from school yesterday and is home again today. This was all after a Wednesday night full of projectile vomiting. Luckily she was able to do most of it in a trashcan. Poor thing, she's so tired, she's actually asleep right now. Cathryn had a throwing up fit Monday night and Mike's been on the verge of throwing up for a couple of days. There's definitely something going around.

On a high note, Aunt Martha stopped by last night and brought some things over for the girls. She had a cool Accordian for Victorya that looks brand new, she got it at the thrift store. Now I just need to go online and find some lessons and music, maybe we can get Victorya playing the Accordian. Smile She also had stickers for them. They loved putting them on paper, especially Cathryn. She would probably sit for hours putting stickers on paper.

Anyhoo, it's cold and raining and since the girls are now napping, I might join them. Tongue out I hope everyone is well!

Posted by victoryajade at 10:07 AM EST
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Thursday, 13 November 2008
Cathryn's checkup and other things to *sigh* about...
Mood:  lazy

Grey type for such a grey day. Blah, it's raining right now and I really want to be in bed sleeping.

We went to Cathryn's 15-month checkup today. She's doing very well, the doctor is happy with her progress. She weighs 23lbs 7oz and is 33 inches long. I think her head was 42 but I'm not 100% sure on that. She got 4 shots (not fun!) but stopped crying shortly thereafter and even walked back to the car. She's a trooper!

Funny thing I noticed when I picked Victorya up from school today: on the bulletin board outside her classroom, the teacher had the kids draw what they are thankful for. All of the other children drew people. Some were Mommies and Daddies, some were Jesus, some were self portraits. Victorya on the other hand drew apple trees. the only one in class who didn't draw people. What is that supposed to mean? I could draw many conclusions, but I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that she just loves to draw apple trees.

Posted by victoryajade at 3:24 PM EST
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Cathryn's checkup and other things to *sigh* about...
Mood:  lazy

Grey type for such a grey day. Blah, it's raining right now and I really want to be in bed sleeping.

We went to Cathryn's 15-month checkup today. She's doing very well, the doctor is happy with her progress. She weighs 23lbs 7oz and is 33 inches long. I think her head was 42 but I'm not 100% sure on that. She got 4 shots (not fun!) but stopped brying shortly thereafter and even walked back to the car. She's a trooper!

Funny thing I noticed when I picked Victorya up from school today: on the bulletin board outside her classroom, the teacher had the kids draw what they are thankful for. All of the other children drew people. Some were Mommies and Daddies, some were Jesus, some were self portraits. Victorya on the other hand drew apple trees. the only one in class who didn't draw people. What is that supposed to mean? I could draw many conclusions, but I'm just going to chalk it up to the fact that she just loves to draw apple trees.

Posted by victoryajade at 3:23 PM EST
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Sunday, 9 November 2008

Mood:  lazy

Victorya's favorite color is green. Smile So I thought I would post this blog in green for her.

Today we did the normal Sunday routine: Church,  Sunday School, Target and El Azteca. hehe, it's nice to have some sort of a schedule at least one day of the week. You can't really have that all the time with to children under 5.

Victorya is feeling better. Everyone has this "donkey cough" like Victorya likes to say. Hers just went to her ear. She hasn't complained about it and she's been really good about letting me put drops in her ear. Small miracles!

Cathryn is getting over her "donkey cough" also. Tomorrow we're going back to church for a New Parent's Bible Study. Victorya has the day off from school, so she'll be able to see all of her friends from church. I was originally going to go to a playgroup meetup, but since we have those every day and the Bible Study meets once every two weeks, I decided to skip the meetup and go to church instead.

I finished "Me and Mr. Darcy" the other day. It was OK, not something I would want to read again, but I wouldn't call it bad.  I actually am waiting for the library to get "Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife." It's supposed to be a continuation of "Pride and Prejudice." I may just have to break down and buy it. Undecided

Thursday we have Cathryn's 15 month checkup. I can't wait to see how much she weighs and how long she is!  I'll definitely let you all know!

Posted by victoryajade at 3:05 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 9 November 2008 3:20 PM EST
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Friday, 7 November 2008
sigh.....what a day!

This morning went well.Victorya had a good day at school and Cathryn was being her jolly self. That is, until they both wanted the same toy. Usually, when this happens, one of them will give in and start playing with something else. NOT TODAY! Victorya cried, Cathryn cried, and neither of them would stop! They cried for a good half hour until I finally gave Cathryn a bottle and Victorya the toy. Cathryn fell asleep and Victorya went to lay down also. Just when I thought all was well and good, Victorya comes out to me crying, saying her ear hurts. I ask her if she put anything in it. Of course she says yes because that's what kids who don't really understand what you're asking always say. Anyhoo, after trying to look in with a flashlight (and realizing she didn't ACTUALLY put anything in her ear) I decide to take her to the doctor. Luckily her pediatrician had an appointment open, so I waited until Mike got home, so he could stay with Cathryn. Of course he so logically suggests that I take Cathryn also just to make sure she doesn't have an ear infection. Bloody practical man! UGH, well after waiting forever at the doctor's, she has the nurses come in and flush Victorya's ear because there was a ton of ear wax in the way. Flushing a three year old's ear is not fun BTW. The flushing didn't really help, so the doctor gave me Amoxicillan and some ear drops for her because, more than likely, she has an ear infection behind all of that wax. Of course I have to wait another hour at the pharmacy where I think the pharmacy tech was having pregnancy brain; she said she didn't have the ear drops in stock, but she could order them and have them by Monday. I say OK, I didn't really feel like going to another pharmacy, so we'll do that. When I went to pay, they rang up the ear drops, which it turns out they had in stock after all. So now I'm home, waiting for pizza dough to rise so I can make dinner. And watching NCIS, which I LOVE; although seeing as how I live in Norfolk and I know that the places they "say" are Norfolk, really aren't LOL. Last time I checked, Norfolk doesn't have mountains in the background. Oh well, I don't think anyone else will notice. Just me....hehe.

Posted by victoryajade at 7:13 PM EST
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Wednesday, 5 November 2008
A new chapter...
Mood:  celebratory

It's wonderful and amazing that we are witnessing a moment in history that will be remembered and talked about forever. It will be in the history books. I will be able to say I voted in that election. I witnessed the moment when America looked beyond color and elected a president who will do what is best for us all. This is a new chapter in America's book and I couldn't be happier to be a part of it.

Speaking of new chapters, I have decided to start reading more. When I have the time, of course. Having a new library with a really cool kids section helps a lot, so now I have a reason to go there, not just for myself. But, while I'm there, I might as well check out a few books that I can read. I just finished Sisterchicks Go Brit by Robin Jones Gunn. It's a cute book about two women who, with God's help, are able to make their dreams and wishes come true, all the while learning to go with the flow and take life one day at a time. It's a good message to remember; if you don't get what you want today, there's always tomorrow. I really enjoyed it. I am also working on Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth. Lots of interesting information on the ego and how it affects our life and relationships. I'm only a quarter of the way through; I am taking it slowly because there is a lot of information to process and it is easy to break up into small parts. I am also trying to get into An Oral Biography of Buster Casey by Chuck Palahniuk, but, so far, it's not my cup of tea. It actually gives me a bit of a headache to read it, so I may just take that one back. I now have three more to choose from: The Book of Ruth by Jane Hamilton, Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter and Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. I think I'll start on Me and Mr. Darcy  while I am still reading A New Earth. I think I will need all of my mind power for the other two books.

Cathryn and I went to a playgroup meetup today. We went to MacArthur Mall for one of the girls' birthdays. We decorated cupcakes and really cute foam crowns. The play area there is really neat and Cathryn had a lot of fun.

Victorya "played and played and played" in school today. She played with play-doh, she built a racetrack, and played with a barn. The teacher read her a story about being silly. She and her class went to the library to check out books.  She also had a job as a "Happy Helper" today.  I am so glad she loves school. This has been such a great opportunity for her!

Posted by victoryajade at 2:00 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 5 November 2008 2:33 PM EST
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Tuesday, 4 November 2008
The beginning
Mood:  special

Here is the beginning of the Hagenberger blog. I was originally going to make this a Victorya only blog, but decided it should be a family blog.

So, what are we up to? Well, Mike and I voted today (democracy in action, I love it!). It  was nice to get out there and see all of the people who are ready for a change, no matter which way the election goes. America is such a great country, and the American people are out there voting and making it that much better. I can't wait to see the results, only I hope it doesn't take too long to get the results.

Victorya is in school and loving every minute of it. She's so smart! She loves music and art, it only takes her one or two tries to remember songs and such. Her recent favorite is:

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate

the first one said, "my, it's getting late!"

and the second one said, "there are witches in the air!"

and the third one said, "but we don't care!" 

and the fourth one said, "let's run and run and run!"

and the fifth one said, "I'm ready for some fun!"

whoooooh went the wind and OUT went the light

and the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!

She's so silly!

Cathryn is getting so big, she's only 14 months old and she was the same size as a 22 month old she was playing with at the library. Her little personality is showing more and more each day. She's such a sweetheart, but she throws the worst temper tantrums. Where do children learn that?? She's running around everywhere and we get to have some time together while Victorya is in school. YAY

 We're all going through our second round of seasonal colds, Victorya and Cathryn are getting over theirs and Mike and I are just starting ours. I've been buying more orange juice, hoping that will help. We'll see. I also have a chicken broth cooking on the stove right now, so maybe I'll make some good soup to get the colds out of here too.

I hope everyone who is reading this is well. Until next time....

Posted by victoryajade at 5:53 PM EST
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