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Sunday, 9 November 2008

Mood:  lazy

Victorya's favorite color is green. Smile So I thought I would post this blog in green for her.

Today we did the normal Sunday routine: Church,  Sunday School, Target and El Azteca. hehe, it's nice to have some sort of a schedule at least one day of the week. You can't really have that all the time with to children under 5.

Victorya is feeling better. Everyone has this "donkey cough" like Victorya likes to say. Hers just went to her ear. She hasn't complained about it and she's been really good about letting me put drops in her ear. Small miracles!

Cathryn is getting over her "donkey cough" also. Tomorrow we're going back to church for a New Parent's Bible Study. Victorya has the day off from school, so she'll be able to see all of her friends from church. I was originally going to go to a playgroup meetup, but since we have those every day and the Bible Study meets once every two weeks, I decided to skip the meetup and go to church instead.

I finished "Me and Mr. Darcy" the other day. It was OK, not something I would want to read again, but I wouldn't call it bad.  I actually am waiting for the library to get "Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife." It's supposed to be a continuation of "Pride and Prejudice." I may just have to break down and buy it. Undecided

Thursday we have Cathryn's 15 month checkup. I can't wait to see how much she weighs and how long she is!  I'll definitely let you all know!

Posted by victoryajade at 3:05 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 9 November 2008 3:20 PM EST
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