This morning went well.Victorya had a good day at school and Cathryn was being her jolly self. That is, until they both wanted the same toy. Usually, when this happens, one of them will give in and start playing with something else. NOT TODAY! Victorya cried, Cathryn cried, and neither of them would stop! They cried for a good half hour until I finally gave Cathryn a bottle and Victorya the toy. Cathryn fell asleep and Victorya went to lay down also. Just when I thought all was well and good, Victorya comes out to me crying, saying her ear hurts. I ask her if she put anything in it. Of course she says yes because that's what kids who don't really understand what you're asking always say. Anyhoo, after trying to look in with a flashlight (and realizing she didn't ACTUALLY put anything in her ear) I decide to take her to the doctor. Luckily her pediatrician had an appointment open, so I waited until Mike got home, so he could stay with Cathryn. Of course he so logically suggests that I take Cathryn also just to make sure she doesn't have an ear infection. Bloody practical man! UGH, well after waiting forever at the doctor's, she has the nurses come in and flush Victorya's ear because there was a ton of ear wax in the way. Flushing a three year old's ear is not fun BTW. The flushing didn't really help, so the doctor gave me Amoxicillan and some ear drops for her because, more than likely, she has an ear infection behind all of that wax. Of course I have to wait another hour at the pharmacy where I think the pharmacy tech was having pregnancy brain; she said she didn't have the ear drops in stock, but she could order them and have them by Monday. I say OK, I didn't really feel like going to another pharmacy, so we'll do that. When I went to pay, they rang up the ear drops, which it turns out they had in stock after all. So now I'm home, waiting for pizza dough to rise so I can make dinner. And watching NCIS, which I LOVE; although seeing as how I live in Norfolk and I know that the places they "say" are Norfolk, really aren't LOL. Last time I checked, Norfolk doesn't have mountains in the background. Oh well, I don't think anyone else will notice. Just me....hehe.