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Wednesday, 5 November 2008
A new chapter...
Mood:  celebratory

It's wonderful and amazing that we are witnessing a moment in history that will be remembered and talked about forever. It will be in the history books. I will be able to say I voted in that election. I witnessed the moment when America looked beyond color and elected a president who will do what is best for us all. This is a new chapter in America's book and I couldn't be happier to be a part of it.

Speaking of new chapters, I have decided to start reading more. When I have the time, of course. Having a new library with a really cool kids section helps a lot, so now I have a reason to go there, not just for myself. But, while I'm there, I might as well check out a few books that I can read. I just finished Sisterchicks Go Brit by Robin Jones Gunn. It's a cute book about two women who, with God's help, are able to make their dreams and wishes come true, all the while learning to go with the flow and take life one day at a time. It's a good message to remember; if you don't get what you want today, there's always tomorrow. I really enjoyed it. I am also working on Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth. Lots of interesting information on the ego and how it affects our life and relationships. I'm only a quarter of the way through; I am taking it slowly because there is a lot of information to process and it is easy to break up into small parts. I am also trying to get into An Oral Biography of Buster Casey by Chuck Palahniuk, but, so far, it's not my cup of tea. It actually gives me a bit of a headache to read it, so I may just take that one back. I now have three more to choose from: The Book of Ruth by Jane Hamilton, Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter and Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. I think I'll start on Me and Mr. Darcy  while I am still reading A New Earth. I think I will need all of my mind power for the other two books.

Cathryn and I went to a playgroup meetup today. We went to MacArthur Mall for one of the girls' birthdays. We decorated cupcakes and really cute foam crowns. The play area there is really neat and Cathryn had a lot of fun.

Victorya "played and played and played" in school today. She played with play-doh, she built a racetrack, and played with a barn. The teacher read her a story about being silly. She and her class went to the library to check out books.  She also had a job as a "Happy Helper" today.  I am so glad she loves school. This has been such a great opportunity for her!

Posted by victoryajade at 2:00 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 5 November 2008 2:33 PM EST
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